Admins Zone Blue Support Thread

How does one download without permission? ;)
You have to verify your XF license HERE.

Thought I would share that!
I am off to install this lovely looking style....
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How does one download without permission? ;)
You have to verify your XF license HERE.

Thought I would share that!
I am off to install this lovely looking style....
Quoting this so people see. Thanks.

I will post a notice to highlight the sticky in the announcements forum.
I have installed this theme, not sure if this is a bug, but it is not normal.

in the footer links there is a link called privacy, however, the link is causing a problem as the link ends in /array and google is following this link from one page to the next, and creating 404 error pages in its wake. I have seen this error before on another theme, and when I installed the child theme the error went away and the privacy link returned to normal, however, when I tried to install blue theme as a child theme, it did not work, and the /array is still showing in the footer link, if this can not be resolved, then I will have to remove the theme in order to keep these 404 errors from racking up.

That isn't problem with the style. That link only shows when you set the link to your privacy policy in the basic board settings. Either you set a non-existent link to your privacy policy or you uncovered a bug in the xenforo software.

If you switch to the style here you'll see it works as it should.
That isn't problem with the style. That link only shows when you set the link to your privacy policy in the basic board settings. Either you set a non-existent link to your privacy policy or you uncovered a bug in the xenforo software.

If you switch to the style here you'll see it works as it should.

I have disabled the default XF privacy and terms...
however, the privacy link, along with the array in the URL remains.
So there is certainly a bug somewhere, and since this is the
second theme, then I agree that this bug is more likely on the XF side.
and to be honest, these errors never started until the last XF update.
I upgraded one site and there was an issue with the privacy policy link and terms of service so I do believe this is a bug in xenforo. The links went into a loop and then to a 404 after a long time. I fixed it by creating new route filters for the 2 links.
I upgraded one site and there was an issue with the privacy policy link and terms of service so I do believe this is a bug in xenforo. The links went into a loop and then to a 404 after a long time. I fixed it by creating new route filters for the 2 links.

I am not familiar with route filters.
If you can post what you did, then I will give it a try.
I have also reported what appears to be a bug to XF.

Just so you know, I have upgraded the other theme and changed it to the child theme...
The privacy/array link is no longer there and has vanished....

The privacy/array link on the blue theme still remains.

Do you still think this bug relates to XF?

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Wayne Luke
Wayne Luke
Wayne Luke